Why I am Standing

I have chosen to stand for District 5 because too many of our representatives in Washington sell us plans that fall lightly upon our ears but heavily upon our wrists. They say they are working to preserve our liberties but circumvent our legislative process with budget measures that violate our constitution and our bill of rights. They say they want to protect our children but worked more quickly to codify Roe v. Wade than to address the mental health crisis our children are facing all over the country. They claim to fight for New Jersey’s working-class families but enforced executive orders that closed our businesses and terminated our employment while also printing over $20 trillion dollars which brought record-high inflation and increased our cost of living.

I am choosing to stand because I can no longer sit while our representatives on Capitol Hill cleverly subdue our suspicions and coerce our compliance. I can no longer watch as they increase our debt to fund lavish benefits while they diminish the Social Security benefits of our seniors. I can not stay idle as they engineer scarcity to boost profits and use insider trading to grow their personal wealth. I cannot remain silent while they stoke flames of hatred among us and exploit economic hardships to sell us solutions to problems they created. Washington’s career politicians claim to represent our interests when they have only ever represented the interests of their party leaders and themselves.

We must stand together and push back against the attempts to ideologically segregate and manipulate us into trading our freedoms for false security. We are at a precipice of forfeiting our constitutional authority because many of us don’t realize how it has protected us. We all must stand now to remind our representatives of something they must have forgotten. The legitimate power of government begins and ends with the governed, and if we know how to use it, our constitution is an instrument of “The People” to restrain their government. Not the other way around. It is time for New Jersey to stand together and send a representative to Washington who will prioritize our interests and defend our constitution from corrupt political despots.


Who I Am


Our Shared Responsibility